Welcome to Reception!
Autumn Term
Are All Journeys The Same?
In this project we begin by looking at our own families, home and local area. In doing so, we celebrate the similarities and differences between ourselves. We then explore different ways to travel and journeys through rhyme, including; The Wheels On The Bus; Row, Row Row Your Boat and Down In the Jungle.
Next, we learn about different places, cities and countries around the world, comparing them to our own local area, as we journey through the text, 'Emma Jane's Aeroplane' and 'Grandad's Campervan'.
Then, we explore people we may meet on a journey including Little Red Hen and learn about the traditions and celebrations related to Diwali with Rama and Sita!
Our final end outcome, is to plan and prepare for a journey as we board 'The Polar Express'.
Spring Term
How Can We Solve A Problem?
We launch our Spring project by coming into school dressed as 'Future Big Me' - this helps the children to think about and consider their future jobs and explore job roles and how different jobs and occupations help to solve problems- ranging from; doctors, nurses, police and firefighters to builders and engineers!
We then become the problem solvers - helping 'Dirty Bertie' to get rid of a bad smell! This also helps to develop our own understanding of personal hygiene and looking after ourselves.
Next, we help 'The Three Little Pigs' and solve their dilemma - What would you do if your house fell down? This provides a super opportunity for lots of budding designers and engineers and scientific enquiry as we explore the different materials used to build a house!
Finally, we help to solve the problem of what do do when 'A Tiger Comes to Tea' and help to plan and prepare our very own Monkhouse cafe! This involves, planting and growing produce, completing our very own online shop and preparing healthy food choices. To celebrate and share our learning, we invited our families into school to the opening of Monkhouse Cafe.
Summer Term
How Can Superheroes Save The World?
We launch our summer project coming dressed as Real Life Superheroes - this helps the children to consider the significant role people play in helping others - such as doctor, nurse, firefighter, police officers and vet!
First, we explore the qualities that make a superhero, such as resilience, hard work and kindness.
Next, we begin to explore the mini outcome and consider
The question - Can animals be superheroes? In doing so, we look at the important role animals play in our world, including the role of bees!
We then learn about real life superheroes, and explore their role and how they help us.
Our end outcome, is a celebration and showcasing our learning to parents and carers at our summer garden party.
Reception class enjoyed a class trip to Northumberland Zoo to enhance and embed our learning about animals. In doing so, we were able to see a wide variety of animals up close, including: snow leopards, lemurs, bats, meerkats, birds of prey and wallabies.