
MonkhousePrimary School

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Year 4

Welcome to  Year 4! smiley

Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term

In the Autumn term our project key question is, ‘Are We In The Age of Discovery?’


In this project, we explore if the Dark Ages were really dark? We delve into the Anglo-Saxons times and look at the similarities and differences of that time, other periods in history and now, comparing what the Anglo-Saxons did and left as a legacy for those who came after them.


Our end outcome is to hold a science fair to the rest of the school and showcase to them how important scientific discoveries are to us today and explain how we could not live our lives without some of them.


Project Launch 24/25

Spring Term


How has the sea built the UK?


Within this project, we delve deeper into how the sea has shaped and protected the UK, thinking in detail at how the UK’s national identity would be different with the sea. 


In order to investigate our mini outcomes, we learn about how past events such as the Spanish Armada and The Battle of Trafalgar led to the British Empire. We learn how the colonisation of numerous countries affected Britain and led to it being the Britain we know today. 


To summarise our learning, we create our end outcome based around the naval battles and what this did for Britain through writing our own discussion text.




Please click on the link below to find out what we got up to in our spring project.

Summer Term


How can we push our bodies?


During this project, we delve into how we can keep both our body and mind fit and healthy and explore how local, national and international athletes do this. We explore how location can impact an person's opportunity to access different sports and comparing this to medal results from both the summer and winter Olympics. In DT, we learn about the seasonality of food and how to prepare a balanced, nutritious snack. Following this, we learn how our bodies digest food through the digestive system. 

