To support our vision in developing an emotionally healthy school, we have embed a restorative “Think system".
The 5 'R's of Restorative Justice:
This approach fosters awareness of how others have been affected by inappropriate behaviour. It engages the children in a process that separates the deed from the doer and acknowledges the child's worth and contribution to the school. The main principals to make it work are:
ENGAGEMENT - Involve all participants in the process.
EXPLANATION - Shared understanding.
EXPECTATION - Be clear on vision for the future!
A” think card” will be issued directly to a child.
The behaviour for learning policy clearly sets out the appropriate actions and sanctions staff would take before issuing a think card.
SANCTION 1: A look or non verbal prompt
SANCTION 2: A verbal warning to alert the child to inappropriate behaviour.
SANCTION 3: Name on the Thumbs Down board – the child will be expected to moderate their behaviour.
However, at any time, they can redeem themselves. Where a pupil’s misbehaviour is causing significant disruption or is deemed serious enough by a staff member, the following procedures will be followed:
SANCTION 4: A Think Card or Big Think Card ( physical or verbal aggression) and immediate reflection time will be given to the child and the child will miss part or the whole of the next appropriate break time for an appropriate amount of time and be asked to reflect upon their behaviour. Removal from an after school club may be considered if attendance will impact on the wellbeing of the child or others.
SANCTION 5: Children who continue to disrupt the learning beyond sanction 4 will be sent, with their work, to a Senior Leader where they will be provided with a place to continue their work for the rest of the session. Children will be removed from any after school club that week as a result. Their parents will be informed on the same day by the class teacher (and a record kept on CPOMS). Children must not be sent to a class where there is not a Senior Leader. On a child’s return to the classroom, they will be expected to comply with the class rules / expectations. For those that do not comply with the above, they will be sent to the Head teacher. The number of reflection sessions that a child attends will be tallied weekly and a new tally started each half term. This gives the opportunity for a fresh start and the opportunity to respond to interventions put in place.
We feel that 5 reflection sessions in a half term warrants extra steps to be put in place. These are as follows: When five reflections have been served, the class teacher will speak to the parents. School will contact the parents to organise a meeting to discuss their child’s behaviour with the teacher and the pupil. During this meeting, a behaviour support plan may be implemented to modify the behaviour of these children, led by the class teacher who is the expert on the child in school and fully supported and reinforced by the parent / carer.
Removal from the classroom beyond Sanction 5
The school may decide at this point to remove pupils from the classroom for a limited period of ‘internal exclusion’, at the instruction of a senior member of staff. This is carried out and parents or carers informed.
At any point, these sanctions above may be accelerated.
The school will only remove pupils from the classroom where absolutely necessary and for the following reasons: