At Monkhouse, we believe all children will be ambitious, courageous, resilient, respectful and kind so that they fulfil their unique potential and become active members of the wider global community.
We follow the statutory national curriculum, but with a twist. We wanted a bespoke curriculum that is right for our school and local area. Our curriculum was designed to incorporate our school ethos, vision, history and future!
Our curriculum has a project-based, thematic approach and provides children with a range of rich and memorable learning experiences. We are committed to real-life and global learning opportunities that ignite pupil’s passions. Learners are engaged in collaborative and independent learning where teachers steer and challenge thinking, acting as facilitators of learning to support children in the outcomes they achieve.
As you explore these curriculum pages, you will see that all subjects have their own strapline that golden threads through all we teach in that area. All subjects contribute to delivering our overall school values and mission statement.
We have designed a knowledge enhanced curriculum and you will see that the knowledge builds year on year, with common themes and focus points in all subjects. These allow for our cross curricular approach to teaching and ensures children to use knowledge they have gained in other subjects and in subsequent years.
We strongly believe in allowing children to be critical and question their learning; to allow this, we use a SOLO approach to teaching (Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes). This means ceilings aren't placed on our children and they are all encouraged to look at learning in different ways.
We use the SOLO approach in most of our foundation subject assessments to give children the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned in a unit and show understanding through looking at learning in different ways.
Classroom Immersion to hook interest, excitement and increase engagement
Our projects start with a project launch, our classroom is immersed in the project and we end with a project outcome. These are exciting and different for each year group. Each project usually has a real life theme or aspect, which allows us to make links and take learning outside of the traditional curriculum and classroom environment.
If you are interested in learning more about our curriculum, please visit the individual pages below or speak to a member of school staff on 0191 300 0490