
MonkhousePrimary School

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Music: More than just sound

At Monkhouse, we believe all children will be ambitious, courageous, resilient, respectful and kind so that they fulfill their unique potential and become active members of the wider global community. We understand that the performing arts can inspire and motivate children, and play an important role in their personal development as well as their emotional wellbeing. It can also help children develop a greater appreciation of the world we live in, by understanding different cultures and societies. 


We love music at Monkhouse. Through the support of a specialist musician, lessons are engaging and hands on.  In KS1 and KS2, pupils participate in music assemblies and a curriculum music lesson with a Music specialist teaching alongside a member of school staff. In the Early Years, music is incorporated into daily routines and is used to enhance teaching of the core curriculum in addition to being taught as a stand-alone subject in Reception.

Music Progression Document

Music across 2023-24 and priorities for 2024-25

Using a variety of Musical Instruments to play a well known tune - La Bamba

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Musical Games

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Class Music Making

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Learning to find and play notes on a glockenspiel - A & B in the right order at the right time to make music


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Improvisation in Year 3

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Drumming and singing in Reception

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Year Six explore the pentatonic scale as an accompaniment

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We were listening to the piece of music, Changes by Harry Styles and playing a pentatonic scale in the instrumental section.

Our wider opportunities programme is totally inclusive. Pupils from a whole year group learn music through singing, musical games and learning to play the ukulele instrument taught by specialist instrumental teacher working alongside school staff. As a whole class activity it offers opportunity for all.

  • Music lessons deliver all the main elements of the music curriculum and CPD for the class teacher or teaching assistant, who also learns to play an instrument alongside the children.

  • Team teaching alongside professional musicians is a stimulating experience for many teachers.

  • Working together co-operatively, listening to each other and teamwork skills are enhanced throughout the programme.

Fun in Whole School Singing

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Rocksteady End of Term Performance

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At Monkhouse, we believe that as part of providing a quality musical education, pupils must be provided the opportunity to be inspired by professional musicians in a range of musical genres.  As such, we aim to provide opportunities throughout the academic year for pupils to work with musicians to improve their own practice and to attend live performances at a variety of other venues.

Performing as part of a group for the Christingle Service

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Using technology to make music

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The children enjoy exploring Garage Band to recreate their own versions of popular songs.

The School Choir

Children from Yr 1 are welcome to join the school choir which meets once per week. They enjoy singing as a group and performing at local and regional events.

Peripatetic Music Lessons

Paid Music Tuition Available in School - the school allows peripatetic music teachers, who have been approved by the Local Authority, to teach instrumental lessons during the school day. The cost of these lessons varies ( depending on a 1:1 lesson or a group lesson) and is paid for by individual parents. Should any child wish to learn an instrument, the school will support parents by finding an appropriate tutor to work in school and has the following instruments which could be loaned, free of charge, whilst undertaking instrumental lessons:- flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, violin and cello.

The attached letters contain information from current peripatetic staff teaching in school regarding contracts and costs.
