Formal consultation process for a new Multi Academy Trust (MAT) |
Friday 3rd March 2023
Dear Parent or Carer,
As I outlined previously, we have been working with like-minded schools within North Tyneside investigating the possibility of setting up a Multi Academy Trust. We are now in a position where we can outline more details of an exciting proposal in principle, which requires your feedback.
This opportunity sees the potential for four very strong local schools, Amberley Primary, Holystone Primary, King Edward’s Primary and Monkhouse Primary to formalise a more collaborative approach in a changing educational environment, whilst maintaining the independence that has led to our individual success.
Please click on this link to visit the consultation process portal. This portal outlines what a Multi Academy Trust is and why we are considering this option for our school.
It also highlights a number of frequently asked questions and a possible new governance structure. The consultation is being shared with all parents at each of the four schools, as well as with all staff and governors.
We will also open consultation with other local schools. The portal has a “Have Your Say” section which will take you to a Google Form where you can submit your views.
Before any final decision is made to submit a formal application to the Department for Education, each individual school’s Governing Body will review all of the feedback provided. As well as the consultation portal, we will offer parents a face-to-face drop in sessions, on Thursday 23rd March 5:15 – 6pm and Monday 27th March 9:15am – 10am. If you would like to attend one of these sessions, please click this link to register your attendance:
This is an important decision that will influence the direction of the school, so it is important that you feel you have the information you require and have had the opportunity to share your views. If you feel there are questions that are not answered in the portal, then please contact me at school and I will try to answer it and add it to the FAQ page.
As educators, the Headteachers of each school and the Governing Bodies believe this is the best way forward, however, we are keen to know your views as we hope to have the support of the parental/carer body.
Best wishes.
L.Baggett L.Tullock
Mrs L Baggett Mrs L Tullock
Headteacher of Monkhouse Primary Chair of Governors at Monkhouse Primary