
MonkhousePrimary School

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Creating a Safer Culture - Safeguarding Children


Monkhouse Primary School fully recognises the responsibility it has to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. We have children's safety and well-being as a key priority and have strong safeguarding procedures including:


  • Working together with other agencies to ensure adequate arrangements within our school to identify, assess, and support those children who are suffering harm.
  • Safer recruitment practices when appointing new staff and volunteers.
  • Regular and appropriate training for our staff and governors to ensure the welfare and safety of our children.
  • Clear guidance for staff and volunteers on how to behave and work with children and young adults.
  • Staff are highly vigilant and report any concerns they have about a child's well-being swiftly.
  • An ethos where concerns are discussed with parents, and children know that they can talk about their worries to an adult they trust.
  • Safe ipad access, with secure filtering and training for children and staff in e-safety through NOS (National Online safety) 
  • We also provide guidance to parents on e-safety through NOS and newsletters.
  • Safeguarding procedures which follow the recommended procedures by North Tyneside Council.


The Front Door Service provides access to all services for children and families in North Tyneside. If you have concerns about the safety or welfare of a child in North Tyneside the Front Door Service is the first point of contact for everyone. To contact the Front Door Service call 0345 2000 109 or complete the online form on the website



If you have any queries or concerns regarding the safety of a child, you can contact our designated safeguarding leaders who are:

  • Mrs L Baggett  (Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Miss C Moulder (DeputyHeadteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Mr S Smith  (Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Mrs M Calboutin (Safeguarding Governor)

In North Tyneside, safeguarding is everybody’s business.

Internet Safety Guide for Parents and Carers and further information can be found by visiting: 

North Tyneside Council

North Tyneside Safeguarding Children's Partnership


Supporting Young Children Online

CEOP Child Protection Information


Online Safety: 

At Monkhouse we like to create a safer culture within school and out of school. Please take some time to read through this useful website about online safety.

County Lines

Please take the time to read the information below. The 'County Lines' issue is becoming a bigger problem within communities and we want all families to be able to understand what this is, identify this early and know what to do should it arise in your family or friends  or community.

