
MonkhousePrimary School

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Emotional Health & Wellbeing


“Caring for the mind is as important and crucial as caring for the body. In fact one cannot be healthy without the other.”  Sid Garza-Hillman

As a school, we place a high importance on children understanding that good, strong  emotional health and wellbeing are essential ingredients in supporting them to achieve success. Being happy is part of mental wellbeing but feelings of contentment, confidence and engagement with the world are equally as important as is strong self esteem.

Being emotionally  healthy is just as important as being physically  healthy. 3 in 10 children will be affected by an emotional or mental health problem at some point during childhood, usually as a direct response to what’s happening in everyday life e.g. friendships, family situations, exams etc. 

What does this look like in our school ? 

Staff are committed to creating a positive, safe environment that supports emotional health  and  wellbeing. We teach a rich and  varied curriculum through project based learning with links to the real life situations.The personal , social and health section of the curriculum is given high priority and all year groups use the same strands and strategies throughout their time at Monkhouse. eg The 5 point scale of emotions , Social self regulation techniques . Children are all encouraged to follow the NHS 5 Steps to wellbeing and often this is the theme of Friday afternoon mindfulness sessions . Extra curricular clubs that focus on wellbeing are offered to children. We have massage and Yoga sessions weekly in school and periodically we use outside practitioners to come into school and help our children eg Zen Child. 

With the help of the PTA and parent volunteers, money raised has enabled the school to create a fantastic room called The Hub – this relaxing space has been set up for all children to access for mindfulness, nurture, relaxation, quiet time, self reflection, learning and play. Activities within The Hub are  mostly targeted at helping children to develop, achieve and maintain great emotional health.


It is proven that having good, positive mental health allows children to develop resilience and strategies to cope with everyday life and grow into well rounded, balanced adults thus they can fulfil their unique potential and become active members of the global community. 


1.     CONNECT – spend time with family & friends

2.     BE ACTIVE – walk, play sport, go outside

3.     KEEP LEARNING – learn new skills or try a hobby

4.     GIVE TO OTHERS – a smile, thank you or some help

5.     BE MINDFUL – Be more aware of the present…your feelings, thoughts and surroundings and behavior to others.

Useful Links and websites to help Children and Families

Please click on the images to find out more.



